We took a spur of the moment trip to Flagler Beach. It was nice. We took Nyx with us. We were a little worried at first because I think the last time she was in a car was when she was dumped off in the middle of nowhere. But once she realized we weren’t going to do that she was good. And she didn’t get carsick. She seemed to like the sand but she had no interest in the water though.

The drive home was nice because we took a few minutes to drive up the coast and point out all of the houses we would buy if we had a million dollars. About halfway through this adventure, I remembered that I really don’t like the beach so I am not sure that I would own a beach house.
Once we got home, we had a late dinner of honey ham, scalloped potatoes (homemade, of course) and coleslaw. It was yummy.
Princess Ivi’s spring break started today but I had to get ready for the work week. I wish I was home with her instead.
And I just realized that I forgot to buy the Sunday paper. Damn. Maybe I should break down and get the subscription since I keep forgetting. But then I have to decide what paper to get: there is our very disappointing local paper that has local sales flyers and no coupons, the Gainesville Sun that has coupons and the Michael’s coupons and drones on and on about the Gators, or the Florida Times Union that has coupons, Michael’s coupons but no local sales flyers and covers more of the Jacksonville news. Hmmm...I guess that is the trouble with living in the middle of the two.
Oh, I almost forgot to mention that I found a new favorite recipe. It was the Creamy Asparagus Pasta with Sun-Dried Tomatoes from Cooking Pleasures magazine (from Cooking Club of America). It was so good and I will definitely make it again. It would be yummy with chicken or shrimp too. Here is a pic from the magazine:

Also, the Knit Witch posted this website and asked that you go and vote for the reusable bag her husband designed. It is great so GO VOTE and then spread the word to your friends.
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