Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Handmade Christmas 2013

I am trying to have a Handmade Christmas where 90% of my gifts are handmade.  I am saying 90% because there are some things that will never be handmade in my house.  For example, Princess Ivi gets a new toothbrush every year and a new hairbrush as well as numerous packs of gum.

To help achieve my goal, I have made a Christmas planner.

The planner contains a tab for each person I give gifts to.  Behind each tab will be knitting, sewing, baking and other ideas for that person.  That way, when I see things that someone will like, I can print it and add it to the tab.  Each project will contain a project planning page where I will list yarn ideas for knitting projects, fabric to use for sewing projects, etc.

The binder also contains a monthly calendar in the beginning so I can plan out the year and not be knitting on Christmas Eve.

I am hoping that this helps me with my goal.

Along with this same idea, I have created three hidden boards on Pinterest.  They will contain gift ideas for the three main "families" I shop for.  That way, as I see things that I think would make great gifts for people, I can pin them to the boards and not run into the problem where months down the road I say "Hmmmm...I saw something for Mom but I can't remember what it was or where I saw it."

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