I haven't posted in over two weeks. Guess I am not doing so well on that Post a Week Challenge. We were sick last week and the week before that was so swamped with work that I missed it. Oh well, I will try to do better but in the meantime, lets play catch up.
First off, Princess Ivi has been diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis. Considering I have been battling this since I was a teenager, I guess I am not surprised. I am very bummed out though because it is so challenging. Anyway, we are working on getting her into a rheumatologist and physical therapist. Also, her doctor has suggested she do yoga as a way of keeping her range of motion. Luckily for us, there is a free yoga class at the library on Thursday evenings. I am hoping to get her all lined up for that within the next week or so.
I have been reading a lot. I just finished Shannon Butcher's Living Nightmare from The Sentinel Wars series. I love this series and can't wait for the next installment.
I also just got an email from Read It Forward that I was chosen to receive Madam Tussaud. I love to read books and of course, when they are free, it is even better.
I have been knitting too. I had made one of the attorneys I work with a pair of Susie's Reading Mitts just after Christmas. Well, she liked them so much that she made a deal with me for another pair. In exchange for these, she will provide me with an "unlimited" number of homemade earrings. This pair is made in black and made a bit shorter to accommodate smaller hands. They are coming along well and I should be done with them this weekend which is good considering she has already given me 4 pairs of earrings.
Our tax return should be here tomorrow. Just in time for new glasses for both me and Princess Ivi, vet visits for the two dogs and cat, car repair, Princess Ivi's dress for the military ball, etc. Needless to say, it feels like the money has already been spent.
Plans for the weekend include eye appointments (hopefully) and a trip to either Orlando or Jacksonville for Princess Ivi's military ball dress. And of course, knitting, laundry, grocery shopping, sorting coupons, and cleaning the house, too. Busy, busy, busy as usual.
I am disappointed because my health and beauty coupons took a real wallop last week. What happened? The dog destroyed my organizer and shredded the coupons she didn't eat. I was very irritated. I am working on rebuilding it but I know there were coupons in there that I will not be able to replace.
We are busy planning the high school's Spring Fest. The ROTC puts it on. This includes organizing it, set up, selling booths, etc. I managed to get myself drafted to be in charge of booths. I have helpers but I have never spoken to them about it. After the last meeting, I realized that my job is probably one of the most labor intensive jobs for the festival which stinks because it was not my idea to be in charge of anything. But I feel pretty good about how it is coming together. I have some work to do but I think I am on the ball.
Well, I am not sure I will be able to post more before the weekend so I hope everyone enjoys.
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